Sunday, 31 January 2016

The dreaded stock taking!!!!

I am spending the day updating the website with all the jewellery findings.  Next year I am really going to add to this section of the shop - and loads of you are already putting in your requests.

The findings are already pretty well stocked - but I want to add some of the more 'oddities' and hard to find stuff.  I also want to add more beads like - wood - shell - fimo - seed size - to the natural agates and glass that we already keep - fancy adding a few of those 'mixed variety' style packs - but I am not keen on stocking the plastics and acrylics - and definitely won't be selling single beads!  I don't have the space to layout loads of single beads - and - to be honest - I can get the real thing at pretty much the same price as a bit of plastic - wouldn't you rather have a real natural agate / gemstone?  I am quite happy to halve the string of beads if you want less - that's fine.

I am working my way through the big back log of stock I picked up when my chap retired and listing it on the website.  The listings are going to be HUGE ;-) - and growing.  I don't sell split packs of findings on the website - it's just not practical to sell 2 jump rings online! - but if you come into the shop - I usually have a pack open and will sell you just 1 or 2 bits.

I will also be looking for a supplier of Fimo clay and all the moulds and tools - WOOOOHH

If you have any questions - want any advice - want me to find you anything in particular - seriously - just ask - I always do my best to help.
websites -  and
facebook - princesskitten at the kitten and the goat
and you know the blog

SOOOO - back to counting jump rings then!


Saturday, 30 January 2016

Saturday Journal

I did my journal page today - not properly finished as I added gold crackle paint and forgot that I would have to wait for it to dry!

The donkey was on one of the cards in my junk album - but pale and delicate with lots of white space - until I got my hands on it!!!!

I will ink over the gold when it has dried and crazed


Thursday, 28 January 2016

personal Impressions - scrapbook

OK - self confessed book freak here - make your own little scrapbook from a pie of leftover cards

Check over at the Personal Impressions Blog for the how to make


Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Sneeky peek

Working on a big canvas project - 'Spring Flowers'

Here's a sneaky little peek - it may take me a while before you see the finished thing! ;- 0


Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Monthly sketch

The sketch for this month is lovley offset corner.   You could use it to make a rectangle card - or as a square shape if you prefer.  I have used the sketch just as it is to make a scrapbook layout.

I have used a stamp to get the background corner frame shape - and layered some embellishments over it.


Monday, 25 January 2016

Personal Impressions - photo album

Bit of a clever little trick for you today - make a photo album from one - yep - just one 12" sheet of card

Super cool - super useful (well for an album/book freak like me!)

check the Personal Impressions Blog for more details


Sunday, 24 January 2016

Just General News

Bit of a quick catch up for you as to the state of the Auld gray Town.

Yes - the traffic is a nightmare - what can I say?  My takings are down by half for this time of year (just about paid the rent this week!) - and people I normally see twice a week - or every week - are just not coming into town.

Here is one of the reasons you are having to 'go the long way round'
CumbriaCC - Victoria - The Bat - Bridge 

Scary when you really see that there is nothing except a couple of props holding up the whole bridge!!!!

The good news is that - although it looks a disaster - the guys can solve it pretty easily - just needs a bit of time.  which we - THEY - are well on track for and should be done in about 4 weeks.

The Romney Road improvements  - so I am lead to believe - have been put back until the bridge is fully restored - without the government taking back the grant to pay for the work.  So that should ease things - and Saturday was pretty well much 'back to normal' as far as the number of people out and about in the town.

Apparently there are still 60 homes 'uninhabitable' on the Sandylands estate (don't know about the others) - and there is no free accommodation for those still trying to live in these waterlogged houses anywhere in Kendal - so they are stuck.  The government has exempted our area from helping the refugees - because we have literally run out of safe housing and can't even house our own.  The Methodist Church has been amazing in helping- and the local business / pubs (esp Romneys ) have been feeding those who are trying to get by with no kitchens.  Very few of us round here actually have any insurance - we just get on with what we have too.

Several of the large hotels are still closed - but loads of the smaller businesses have got it all together are re-open now.  The centre of Kendal is fine - and we have several new and exciting changes - and new business opening soon.  I will let you know when things happen - it's such fun!!

All-in-all - it is going to take several months to fully climb out of the hole - but we will get there - and the best place to visit this summer? - Well that would be The Lake District ;-)


Saturday, 23 January 2016

Saturday Journal

I have been making a huge effort in the shop to get Christmas cleared and out of the way - and get the website a bit caught up.  I am winning - but it's slow going.  The new phrase round here is - I am eating the elephant!!!  I picked it up from my business mentor last summer.  When you have a huge, big josb to tackle - 'how do you eat an elephant? - - One bite at a time. In other words - just keep chipping away at it and you will get there.

Today I have been thinking a bit about backgrounds in my junk album.  Trying to make it look a bit less like a heep of cards -a nd more like an art piece.

The wonderful things about junk albums is that there as so many different surfaces to work on.  I had some glossy cards - so I did a bit of alcohol ink staining.

Then I got out the good old paints and splodged that about - I particularly wanted to keep the texture in the second one - but get rid of the Christmas look

Some pages I will use just as they are

And some I just covered the greeting

A couple of pages were unuseable in their present form - great excuse for paper collage

and don't worry about the papers overhanging - it all adds to the fun and the laid back style.


Tuesday, 19 January 2016

My first Gelli Plate video

For those of you that missed your cute kitten fix yesterday

I have made my first video of the year for you.  Just a silly bit of nonsense when Personal Impressions sent me a Gelli Plate.

 - needs practice but I am trying!


Monday, 18 January 2016

Personal Impressions - Accordion fold photo display

I made my own photo display to scrapbook these wonderful photos of pansies in the garden last summer.

Pop over the the Personal Impressions Blog and I will show you how


Saturday, 16 January 2016

Saturday Journal

something slightly different for our journal day - we are going to make a junk journal.

so - collect a heap of old cards.

Put a couple of the largest cards aside to make the covers.  On the back of the other cards mark the centre - measure 1 1/2" in either direction - and 1/2" in from the fold - draw a little box and cut off the sides.  When you have done 1 you can use it to mark up all the other cards.

Stack 4 cards inside each other for the page 'signatures'

Make the cover - cut a strip of card 3" wide and long enough to sit inside of each cover and have space in the middle for the pages.  Glue the hinge to the inside of one of the cards you saved.  Glue the card shut

Crease the card strip and measuer how much depth you will need by putting the page signatures on the cover - crease the other side of the card strip and glue the end inside the other cards you saved.

Take some twine - open up one of the signatures and wrap the twine through the middle and round the card strip a couple of times - tie together tightly.

Add all the other signatures the same way

And - your junk journal is done

Over the coming weeks I shall be using this to do my journaling in.  I will show you how to completly cover a page with different techniques so you can have a blank start - and how to use the various textures and finishes that are already on the card as a background.


Thursday, 14 January 2016

Personal Impressions - Tag Photo Collage

My theme at the moment is 'Scrapbooking' - but don't just stick to 12" x 12" layouts - you can use scrapbook techniques in all sorts of ways - plus I get to play with pics of my soppy old William

check out The Personal Impressions Blog for the supplies and details


Tuesday, 12 January 2016

The 'Square' Set

This year - on the second week of the month I will bring you a new knitted square pattern.

The idea behind this series is to expand your knowledge and build your confidence by tackling new techniques with small, simple projects.  Each square knits up to the same size and has the same border frame so that you can sew them together and make larger projects.  4 sewn in a square make the front of a cushion (works up to fit a 16” square cushion pad – which we stock in the shop) – back with another 4 squares or plain fabric.  Several in a row will make a scarf – 3 x 3 or 4 will make a baby blanket – 4 x 6 or 8 will make a lap throw - or go the whole hog and make a bed throw.  You can make each square the same pattern – you can make each square different – you can create your own design by placing the squares in a pattern – knit in 1 colour – knit the rainbow - just experiment – shout me if you get stuck – and have fun.

You will need a pair of 6mm knitting needles to work each square – and a large blunt needle to sew them together.

For the first month we are going to start off nice and simple with a 'Garter' stitch square

You will need;
Double knitting or chunky weight yarn – about 20g
6mm knitting needles

·         If you are using the double knitting weight of yarn, then use 2 strands together throughout.
·         If you are using the chunky weight of yarn, then use 1 strand throughout.
·         Remember to count all the rows as you work up the square.

Cast on 29 stitches.
Row 1: *(knit 1, purl 1) – repeat from * to last stitch, knit 1.
Row 2: *(purl 1, knit 1) – repeat from * to last stitch, purl 1.
Row 3: *(knit 1, purl 1) – repeat from * to last stitch, knit 1.
Row 4: *(purl 1, knit 1) – repeat from * to last stitch, purl 1.

Row 5: knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit to last 4 stitches, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1.
Row 6: purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, knit to last 4 stitches, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1.
Rows 5: and 6: form the central pattern – repeat these rows until you get to

Row 29: *(knit 1, purl 1) – repeat from * to last stitch, knit 1.
Row 30: *(purl 1, knit 1) – repeat from * to last stitch, purl 1.
Row 31: *(knit 1, purl 1) – repeat from * to last stitch, knit 1.
Row 32: *(purl 1, knit 1) – repeat from * to last stitch, purl 1.
Cast off.

I use Robin double knitting 100% acrylic yarn for all my knitting work.  If you are using pure wool, or a wool mix you will need more as the yarn is heavier.

Disclaimer: This is my own original work.  Use it for your own use or for charity selling.  Use it to inspire you, and to lead you on to other projects.  But, please do not resell the pattern as your own workings.  It takes me years of learning, and months of work to produce a final pattern.

The Kitten and The Goat, 9, New Shambles, Kendal, LA9 4TS


Monday, 11 January 2016

Day off

Monday is kitten's day off


Saturday, 9 January 2016

Saturday Journal page

Yeah!  Playing about in my journal with my Gelli plate.  I have worked really hard this week - sorting out after Christmas - started to get the website back up to date - making bandannas for Posh Dog - creating samples and 'how to' sheets to go to the Frankfurt Creative World show at the end of the month.  The samples and instructions will crop up on my blog here and on the Personal Impressions blog and facebook page over the next couple of months.

So this afternoon I took some time to just fiddle about.

The background paints are all Kaiser Colour tubes put on the Gelli plate - and I have discovered that the plate is brilliant for picking up paint on a rubber stamp.  I think it's the soft surface as opposed to the hard work top - the stamp picks up the paint much more evenly - that's the big blue spots.  The images are an old of  Dyan Reaveley's


Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Personal Impressions - Steampunk Diorama

I love fiddling about for the afternoon - just collecting bits and bobs and tinkering around

Check out the Personal Impressions blog for all the supplies and details


Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Personal Impressions - Little Princess

The Personal Impressions team are back raring to go into this new year - and we have such exciting things planned for this year.

Today I have this super cute little card to practice my hair colouring with the Little Darlings CandiBean stamp – Abbi’s Prince Charming (LDPI7001)

Check out the Personal Impressions Blog for more details


New Year - New kitten

Happy New Year my lovelies - shop is open and I am back.  I hope you have all had a good break - re-charged the batteries - tidied up the jolly old crafting desk - and are itching to get launched into the new year.

I love the start of the year - new ideas - new projects - new routine.  Bit like starting a new exercise book when you were at school - all those possibilities!!!!

So - this year - just for you - kitten has a new program.  

The 1st week of the month - we will have a new kit - available in the shop - on line - or as just a download pattern via the website - or the Amazon Kindle.  This year I am going to expand the projects.  I am adding more sewing and crochet project ideas into the mix - and I may even throw in the odd paper or canvas project kit - just to mix it up a bit.  I have added a special section in the 'kits' category for the monthly releases and I will shout out on facebook when one is due - so keep an eye out.  All my kits are written with the beginner in mind - so it's all explained with no technical jargon.  The kits in the shop are self contained and have everything you need to complete the project (you will need a pair of 4mm knitting needles for the knitting kits - or a 4mm crochet hook for the crochet - that's because you only need the one for all the projects).

This month's kit is a very simple crochet ear warmer with a clever front 'knot'.

The 2nd week of the month we are going to work on a knitted pattern square.  The idea behind this series is to expand your knowledge and build your confidence by tackling new techniques with small, simple projects.  Each square knits up to the same size and has the same border frame so that you can sew them together and make larger projects.  4 sewn in a square make the front of a cushion (works up to fit a 16” square cushion pad – which we stock in the shop) – back with another 4 squares or plain fabric.  Several in a row will make a scarf – 3 x 3 or 4 will make a baby blanket – 4 x 6 or 8 will make a lap throw - or go the whole hog and make a bed throw.  You can make each square the same pattern – you can make each square different – you can create your own design by placing the squares in a pattern – knit in 1 colour – knit the rainbow - just experiment – shout me if you get stuck – and have fun.  I shall add the patterns to the crafter's corner section as well as the blog so  they can be free.

 You will need a pair of 6mm knitting needles to work each square – and a large blunt needle to sew them together.

The 3rd week - I am going to try to add a video to my YouTube.  I am still not very good at all this - but I hope to improve! - any requests for a project or technique would be welcome.

The 4th week I think I will go back to producing layout sketches.  We used to do this every month before I opened up the shop - time has beaten me since then.  You can use the sketches for a scrapbook layout - a card - or a canvas project.

I will be staying with the Personal Impressions team this year - loving every minute - so watch out for more of those projects and developments coming up.

All this is providing that the roof stays fine and the bloomin' ceiling doesn't fall in on me again!!!!


Monday, 4 January 2016

Day Off

Monday is kitten's day off
(Monday will stay as your 'cute kitten fix day'!)

looking forward to the year
