Monday, 31 August 2009


This week week we are showing scrapbook pages - ages since I did a page so here is one I made earlier!

You better have 2 to make up for it

Makes me realise how much I miss scrapbooking - will be able to get back to it when the summers shows finish next month


kitten xx


Monday is kitten's day off

I have been tidying my desk and collecting new sayings for a new mega batch of wrap-so-dy cards


kitten xx

Sunday, 30 August 2009


Good grief guys - what is it with the wrap-so-dy cards?????? I sold them all again.
Seriously folks - what a fantastic day - thanks to everyone for all your support. It is so encouraging to realise that people really do like my work. I beaver away by myself and just hope someone out there will understand what I put into it all: and now I am all inspired to start with loads of new goodies.
kitten xx

Saturday, 29 August 2009


Have you discovered copics yet?
I am going to have a couple of proper lessions - but I think I will be hooked
New blog for you
kitten xx


Today I have been painting pussy cats. In't he cute?

I have so many H2O colours now it's just pure joy to experimant with colours.

kitten xx

Thursday, 27 August 2009


I took princelet to craft today - we usually have a together day in the holidays. The session today was with Janet - and Janet is nuts about Christmas: always starts very early.

This design is going to be HUGE this Christmas. It's a peel-off tree design made up of bubble shapes (I am sure I have seen a stamp design similar). All the inners of the shape are filled with different things: glitter, flock, be-dazzled, gems, pearls, black gems, holographic circles

Princelet is set up for special cards for grannies, girlfriend etc - would that our lives were that simple.


kitten xx

Wednesday, 26 August 2009


You know what? - it's half past five - I have been so lazy!!!.
Have to hold my hands up - I went to yoga and did a good session (for me - the rest were all doing something else entirely). Dear old Li - I have been working with her for years now - and she learnt her Thai massage techniques on me (so she knows me well) - she has so much energy and can do such incredible stuff - and I just join in and do what I can and wonder off on my own path when I can't do her stuff.
All afternoon I have been sitting here and playing on my computer. Tweaking the website - catching up with stuff - and the day has gone.
Taking princelet to craft class tomorrow
Stuff to show tomorrow
kitten xx

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


If I see one more link I am going to go crazy

Small congrats cards for exams.

Why can't all life be crafting?


kitten xx


I will tell you what I shall be doing all night - I have got a HUGE list of links in my site that are not working or not found. Need to go through and sort them all out.
Might pop over and show you a finished owl card later though
kitten xx

Sunday, 23 August 2009


Spent the afternoon in my cabin dozing and playing my new DS game.
It's like bloomin' winter - the rain was chucking it down - I had my candles and lamp on - and fidget was dozing on my lap doing those doggie dream squeaks - ahhhhh.

I was really keen to finish up my owl cards, but I have had a couple of bad nights, so I am a bit groggy. I so hope it is not the start of another flare up: not got over the last one yet.
I am thinking of getting a laptop so I can work in bed. I will have a proper day off tomorrow and see how it goes. I hate not being able to do anything
kitten xx

Saturday, 22 August 2009


I have been so busy these past couple of weeks I have not done the

the theme this week is - lemon, green and pink.

That got me going - I don't often cross match colours

Loads of green and yellow - even green and pink - but I got there - green, yellow and pink (and lilac).


kitten xx


Have you ever stamped on patterned paper?

We spend so much time colouring in our images, this makes a fabulous change - especially if you stamp on different papers and layer them up.

I wanted to make something a bit more funky for the exam results out today.

I had a few old white aperture cards to use up, so I filled them with different garden like papers (last year's paper mania Secret Garden pad - I have use this continuously) for the backgrounds.

Stamped the tree in black Staz-on - then stamped with versamark slightly off the original and embossed with copper. Building stamping layers is great for foliage - gives real depth and texture.

Then my little owl.
Stamped spotty paper and layered with a flowered tummy - glitter eyes and pearl drops beak.

Try it for yourself


kitten xx

Thursday, 20 August 2009


I have been to class today.
We were thinking about children's cards.

This is a new cricket cartridge that is called 'The Child's Year' (or children;s year). There are loads of silhouettes and cards to cut out.

I don't know - I pride myself that I craft by hand - if you buy a paper cut that I have made It has been cut by hand. Yes - traced - and cut all by myself. Much as I am in awe of the cricket shapes and capabilities - it's kind of sad that technology is getting in the way so much these days.

Me - can't afford one - really can't. Just don't earn the sort of money from my cards that I could invest that much. And anyway - one of my selling points is that I do it all by hand - it is clever though.

kitten xx

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


I have been tidying up my desk.
Waiting for a proceed on a commission - and I can't settle to anything - just got the fidgets really. So I have been tidying up a bit - there is so much stuff on my desk.

My Internet keeps playing up and there is loads to add to my site so I am off quick before it drops off again.


kitten xx

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


My first 'real book'.

I am so chuffed with it!

Sets of pages stitched together then held in the book cover with ribbons. It is A5 size so a 12" scrapbook page does the outside cover and lines the inner side.

It is lovely to have nice books to keep notes in - it's my campaign to give everyone pretty stationary


kitten xx

Monday, 17 August 2009


'ere - the old goat has gone away for the week - he is here - - and you will never guess what he is doing - - - - he is painting the pub toilets.
It is actually better than it sounds - the pub is Middle Earth themed (goat already does the beer labels and posters. Now he is painting the toilets with Middle Earth scenery - can't wait to see it!
kitten xx

Sunday, 16 August 2009


My goodness it was bitterly cold up on the fells today. To be fair I did not expect to sell much - I only took the cards along. It was so windy I could not even get the stall set up. I sellotaped a few samples onto the small rack and just left the boxes on the table for people to rummage. I did sell a few - and I stuck it until about 3pm. It just got too much for me. The wind was picking up even more and I was so cold. I packed up and sat in the car knitting and watched all the activity. The old goat stuck it for another hour of so - then everyone was packing up.
It was the most amazing show - one of the best I have been to - certainly the most varied activities.
kitten xx

Saturday, 15 August 2009


I had a little better nignt last night and I am picking up a bit. Just having a slow day today
kitten xx

Friday, 14 August 2009


I took a nasty turn for the worse yesterday. I was trying to have a quiet day pottering with the new batch of wrap cards and I came over all perculier. I went to bed at about 7.30 and the old goat phoned the boss to cover the church office today.
I am still a bit wobbly today, but I am gently pottering about. Going to get myself a new DS game to keep me sitting next week.
Hope I am ok on Sunday - we have a show - and I so want to go
kitten xx

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

My internet is a nightmare tonight - keeps dropping out
kitten xx

Tuesday, 11 August 2009


Gosh - I am totally bushed - last weekend catching up with me I expect. Spent the morning in the Church office ((((re-vising my site text - shhhhh)))). This is a very quiet time of year in the church - the lull before Crispmouse.
Then princelet had to go to the optitions - just 2 yearly check up - so I had to take him into town. Honestly, I was almost asleep!
I am really putting in the hours to make my website the pretty-ist, friendy-ist, helpful-ist place to buy cards and toppers. Any ideas to achieve this are ALWAYS welcome - it's all for you lot, so pitch in.
Me? off to have a nap - what else?
kitten xx

Monday, 10 August 2009


Well I have had half a day off really - pasted up a dozen more wraps for the wrap-so-dy cards - let's see if I can get them listed in the shop before they all sell!!!
Really tired after last week though - still need to catch up
kitten xx

Sunday, 9 August 2009


I am in the middle of a 're-fit' to the web shop. The guys whose programme I use to do the site ( - super guys!) have introduced all sorts of new features to use lately. So I thought I would take the chance to re-do my shop buttons and sort out all the descriptions. It may take a while - there are 100s of things listed. When it's all done the goat is going to make me a new banner - perhaps I should have a 'grand-opening' with a celebrity to cut the ribbon.
kitten xx


I don't know about you - but I have spent the day on the shores of lake Windermere, looking over the water to the wooded fell tops on the other side of the lake, and I earned a little money in the process. Jealous??
My wrap-so-dy cards nearly sold out again - and I had not even got as far as listing them on the site. What fun - more to make - and I must seek out some new verses - wedding, baby etc. OHHH playing with paper.
kitten xx

Saturday, 8 August 2009


Princelet is home!!!
He has been away at Rippon barracks for the past 2 weeks training with the army cadets. This is the first time he has been away from home for this long so he was a bit nervous - and it was the main training for all the county, so there were loads going.
He loved it. He absolutely LOVED it. Has not stopped talking about it since. He was a one star and now he is almost a two star - he might get his 'lance' rank soon. He has a whole list of things he has passed - and they let them fire on the riffle range, so he is over the moon.
All his kit was pink from a medical exercise - rescuing casualties - the washing machine made loads of pink foam.
I tell you what
- while he was gone I had money in my purse - well that's all but gone.
- while he was gone there was food in the fridge - that's all but gone too
kitten xx

Friday, 7 August 2009


Jeepers - you should have seen the state of my office this morning. I know this week would be busy, but it has been totally frantic - hence lack of posts and no stock listed in the shop. I just had to stop and clear up the bench a bit - and the floor!!!
I am here to catch up on some paperwork and invoices - then I must do some work on a couple of commissions - poor lady will think I have forgotten her.
Back later
kitten xx

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


I am working on a new batch of the wrap cards. The outers are done - just got to find some pretty verses tomorrow
kitten xx

Monday, 3 August 2009


'Ere you guys - I won
Just starting to catch up with normal stuff - and there I was - gosh.
I designed this range of cards only a couple of weeks ago - and they all sold bar 1 over the weekend. have a load more planned - so chuffed that have been so well received!
Thanks all
kitten xx


Monday is - - yeah, ok, right, that in't going to happen - took me 3 goes to get the shop stock right after the weekend out.
With number skills like mine - I should have been a banker!!!
At least I can start tomorrow on my commissions with a clear head. Church office first - I still have a few thing to do on the shop and I can do it from there
kitten xx

Sunday, 2 August 2009


I have just got home - made a cup of tea - shoved a pie in the oven - and crashed. Totally shattered now. Much busier day - we were very lucky with the weather - meet loads of new people - picked up a couple of commissions - sold all but 1 of the new verse cards and answered loads of inquiries. Next week is booked solid with stuff to do now.
Think I have done my share today - going to sort the shop out tomorrow and crash in front of a film tonight.
There are some photos about somewhere - will post them when I get that far
kitten xxXXXX

Saturday, 1 August 2009


My heart sank this morning I can tell you - it was chucking it down. By the time we got to Bowness it had just about stopped raining - and by the time the the big marquee was up, it was much brighter. The sun even came out for a while this afternoon!
It was slow on sales, but I had a good old natter with the lady on the next stall. Turns out she used to have the shop I used to get my stitching treads from (a few years ago), She is knitting now and is going to bring me some new fibres to play with. you never know who you will bump into.
Couple of crafters came for a chat, so that was nice, and the old goat was kept busy (AFTER he had to go home and get his brush pen - I ask you - what am I going to do with him!!!!). So it was a very pleasant day all round really - the guys went mad when I got home - now fidget is snuggled up on my lap - and we are off to bed with hot milk. I am totally shattered and I have to do it again tomorrow.
kitten xxXXXX