Saturday 8 August 2009


Princelet is home!!!
He has been away at Rippon barracks for the past 2 weeks training with the army cadets. This is the first time he has been away from home for this long so he was a bit nervous - and it was the main training for all the county, so there were loads going.
He loved it. He absolutely LOVED it. Has not stopped talking about it since. He was a one star and now he is almost a two star - he might get his 'lance' rank soon. He has a whole list of things he has passed - and they let them fire on the riffle range, so he is over the moon.
All his kit was pink from a medical exercise - rescuing casualties - the washing machine made loads of pink foam.
I tell you what
- while he was gone I had money in my purse - well that's all but gone.
- while he was gone there was food in the fridge - that's all but gone too
kitten xx

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