Tuesday, 29 September 2009


I make the cards for a couple of local dog obedience/agility clubs.

They wanted a large batch of Christmas cards with collies.

Love this - great fun. Going to do a batch of birthday cards for them too.


kitten xx

Monday, 28 September 2009


Sneaked in an unexpected sale yesterday. It was really a show to raise awareness for the work of the British Legion and all their affiliated services. I was a bit out of place really - but I sold a bit and donated a % of my take: got to help out haven't you?
The feed back I am getting from you lot - is you want Christmas cards.
Really? Honestly?
I don't normally start the Christmas for another month - but who am I to argue?
I will do a stock check on the bits I have and open the Christmas shop towards the end of the week.
Right - off for my day off to sleep now
kitten xx

Saturday, 26 September 2009


I don't make my own background papers enough - every time I do, I think 'I should do this more often' (story of my life!!).

It is really relaxing to create a background design like this and use it to make cards.

This is a Winter theme background (on 'rough' water colour paper) - matted with a mirri silver. I did 3 (all slightly different) because that's how many the backing I did cut up into!

I am still using watercolour paper I bought 20 years ago - talk about thinking ahead

kitten xx

Thursday, 24 September 2009


I know loads of you are keen on this range, so I was chuffed when I was sent a couple of images to play with. Would never buy this type stamp - but it's lovely to be challenged to do something different.

Think I re-worked it 4 times at least - it would NOT sit right.

The backing circle is done with copics (it's kind-of a technique called zentangles). That bit went fine - after that - - struggled all the way.

There you go - that's life


kitten xx


Wednesday, 23 September 2009


It's princelet's birthday next week.

He plays the drums - so I thought this was bright and modern. It has not scanned well - it's defex and quite deep.

You won't tell will you. He neer looks at my sites - far too girlie.

kitten xx

Monday, 21 September 2009


Slept most of today - just want an early night now!
Really long weekend for me - but I sold a bit - and people chatted - liked my stuff. It was a really good atmosphere. Lady one side of me made chilli stuff http://theonestophotshop.co.uk/ (bought the princelet some chilli chocolate - that will teach him!)
Lady other side was a 'Barge-ware' painter - sells mostly at markets in North Yorkshire and Northumberland.
Oh - and I bought some seriously lovely tea - I live on tea
night night
kitten xx

Saturday, 19 September 2009


Totally shattered folks - VERY long day at The Dales Harvest
Not quite such an early start tomorrow thank heavens
kitten xx

Friday, 18 September 2009


I started a new Copic design course this week - on line from America. Remember how I am always going on about how they are way ahead of us?? They have all been buying these cute little cubby hole storage units to store their Copics in the colour groups - and (guess what?) can't get one here (and I am so not paying £40 postage).

You can't leave kitten out!

I made one.

I have a few A0 sheets of very heavy weight book board that I hardly ever use. So I made 12 little boxes 13cm deep x 7cm x 8cm (wanted to fit it under my other shelf). Then I added an extra section all the way round the outside and the back - to keep it all square. Covered it in a Chinese scrapbook paper and painted the inside pink.

Cool eh?

kitten xx

Thursday, 17 September 2009


I am always saying I want to get more from my stuff. They have to be real work horses and earn their keep by doing loads of things - and I usually get blank looks.

So I will try to show you what I mean. This is an art deco style stamp that I picked up for £1.

This is stamped on velum and gold embossed. Then you dry emboss from the back to get the white effect. This is a DL card - but it is hinged at the top - which is a bit different. The flowers are embossed on the body of the card front and back.

This one is just the topper so far. I used my Copics to colour the image and cut them out and matted them with a pearl green. Then I set them out to look like the leaves were encircling the flower heads, and raised them over a pattern paper.

The only thing I find with Copics - and you are going to laugh! I have always used H2Os - and I can't get used to them not being pearly.


kitten xx

Wednesday, 16 September 2009


The old goat has just got us a 'digi' box so we can have telly again - and what's on - B****Y FOOTBALL THAT'S WHAT - that's £20 quid down the drain then
kitten xx


I spent all morning in the local hossie with princelet getting his 'wonky' shoulder checked out. X-rays - consultant - registrar - back to x-ray - back to consultant (thank goodness I took my knitting).

The spectacular clunk noise he can make is the shoulder blade hitting the back of his ribs - it's called a 'snappy scapula' - quite rare - and his is spectacular - so he is well chuffed! Never mind poor old mum that is going to have to drive an hour each way so he can see a specialist - they all thought it was great.

Did not really get going after all that (just want to go to bed really)

- but - here you go - this is one direction I want to go in with my copics. Much looser - sketchie, scribblie, free-form, scruffy, 'weathered-ish', shapes on shapes and layers - oh Lord - sounds like my life!!!!!
Should be able to get real work done tomorrow.


kitten xx

Tuesday, 15 September 2009


I had a bad night and a busy morning in the church office - AND I have to take princelet to the hossie (they said the appointment would last at least 2 hours) - oh joy!
So I am going to crash out in front of the telly tonight - the old goat has just put in a digi box so there is all sorts of stuff on (probably still all rubbish!)
kitten xx


Well blog really - http://tiffanyrichards.blogspot.com/ America has WAY more stuff than we do
kitten xx

Monday, 14 September 2009


I am now live in the office - AND I am wireless!
The guy came round today and set it all up - he has to come back with a new router to boost the signal, so that should solve all the problems I have been having.
So now you get a direct line to my desk, wonder if I will get any work done?
kitten xx

Saturday, 12 September 2009


FINALLY got through all the wrap cards. My bits box has taken a severe hit, as have my ribbons - which is really great. I have used up several bits, and unearthed several others. Just hope the bloomin' things sell next week.

So I have moved on to the desk clearing. Sorted out a huge pile of paper/card. I have added the greeting to several cards that were in my tray - and made up some quick little note cards that were hanging about.

These cards are remakes of 'oldies' - you remember my scraps box? I love remaking cards.

kitten xx

Friday, 11 September 2009


I have had some amazing news!
When I left Hampshire I left behind 2 people I missed. My super ex-mum-in-law - we were so close she was/is 'Grannie' to princelet. And my friend that I met when we were in collage together. I helped her out of a muddle one time and we got to be good mates, she even came up for my wedding. I do miss her, but you know how hard it is to keep stuff up when there is 300 miles in between - can't really pop over for coffee.
She found me on Facebook! Would never have thought of her being on the web, and she's got her own face book page with loads of friends and everything. So we are back in touch - can't believe it. I think I live all my live on the net now!
kitten xx


I must have the attention span of a gold fish - I just could not face finishing the wrap cards - so I did something totally different.

Another experiment (of course), but I think these stand a chance of becoming a new range.

A5 in size - silver stamped onto velum and dry embossed from the back (the white shading). I have wrapped them around quite strong coloured pearl card and secured them on with the fibre ties. The tags are threaded through the
fibres before knotting, and secured at an angle with double sided tape.

They are vrey pretty and delicate - but still me I think. I have a few stamps this would work with.


kitten xx

Thursday, 10 September 2009


I have been bad about posting photos - desk is such a muddle

so here you go

What you can't see are the balls of fibre all round my feet and the stuff stacked up on the chair.
I have been quite bright today -- I expected to be wiped out after yesterday but I have got a good bit done. Another day at it and I should have a clear desk.

Can't wait for my Copic course to start on Monday

kitten xx

Wednesday, 9 September 2009


I have been at a business meeting in Garstang for a good chunk of the day, then we dropped in to PC World at Lancaster to get me a lap top. My Copic course starts Monday and I wanted something to get me on line in my office. I really wanted a little notebook - they only run on XP at the moment - did you know that whole system is being dropped? The new ones are not due out for a couple of months (for Christmas I guess) - can't wait that long. So I have a brand new shiny lap top with top of the range Vista which Has been upgraded to the new Windows 7 system.
Just got to find enough space on my bench for it now - yeah right!!
The old goat will be at the Westmorland Show all day tomorrow - on the Wartermill Inn Brewing Co stand
kitten xx


I am snowed under with this big batch of wrap cards for the Dales Harvest - all I have done all day is stamp backgrounds on the tags and mount the verses. I have about 30 on the go - phew.
kitten xx

Monday, 7 September 2009


Monday is kitten's day off

Well - it was until I got back from Morrison's and found my new copic markers had arrived (have to plug (http://www.graphicsdirect.co.uk/ - great service guys). Day off - WITH NEW PENS HERE - no chance - gi'me, gi'me, gi'me.

This is my first serious attempt. The image is a stamp I picked up on eBay for £1 - yes seriously, could not believe it when I got it.

Coloured/painted with Copics.

I am signed up with http://www.mycreativeclassroom.com/ for the copic class and am busy taking the 'I like markers' blog to bits (link on the side).

Happy as a pig in - - - - - - well - ink - really


kitten xx

Sunday, 6 September 2009


This week the guys are doing curls and swirls

Get your needles out - and start stitching!

Don't get enough time so do this much - add beads - flowers.

Huge fun

kitten xx

Saturday, 5 September 2009


Gosh, I am pooped! I have been scribing little sayings for my wrap-so-dy cards all day.
This site is great for useful sayings
kitten xx

Friday, 4 September 2009


FINALLY - finished a book I have been working on.

London Bridge - well you can see that

Accordian fold - made from 2 x 12"

kitten xx

Thursday, 3 September 2009


Been to class today - velum - I love velum but I just forget to do more with it.

Stamped and embossed Christmas wreath with glitter green (I love these glitter embossing powders - there are so many now). Embossed from the back to give the white highlights. The velum is held over the green under card with the bow which goes through punched holes to the centre of the card.

This is perfect for my Aunty Ella - she loves her cards to be tiny.


kitten xx

Wednesday, 2 September 2009


I love tinkering with shapes!

Cut an A4 sheet of card lenghways and score as a gate fold. Makes a really different cutie A5 card.

The inner panel is embossed with the cuttlebug and inked over the raised shapes. Pearls in the flower centes to match the pearls on the front


kitten xx

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


Ok guys - since Copic markers have hit the craft market loads of you are getting interested in them. This is the second time round for me - I first used them 20 or so years age at collage. Did not get very involved with them as I was working with fabrics at the time!
I have added a basic guide to the system on my how to pages
kitten xx