Saturday 18 April 2015


It's been a bit manic this week getting all the knitting finished for the gaming convention - it does not matter how ontop of everything you think youare - there is always a last minute panic (especially when the client decides the day before that they want to take loads of kits too!).

The conventions is this weekend - and I will post links to the patterns etc for those who are looking for them tomorrow when I have more time.

I have got all my Saturday cleaning done yesterday afternoon and this morning - but I have an urgent wedding order to get out - so I am not journaling today - I will show you how far I have got with my canvas instead.

The background is all finished

And now I am starting to tinker with the top layers

I am so looking forward to getting my live back to myself after knitting for this convention solidly since Christmas - it's weeks since I even hoovered the living room floor, the dining room is still full of the moving left overs - and don't even ask about the state of the box room! ;-)


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