Thursday 3 January 2013


This is a bit of a strange day for me - it's the first Thursday for - I think it's 3 years I have worked for Alison - that I have not had a designer post for her.  I keep thinking that I have forgotten to do something.

Anyway tons still to do in the shop - we are gradually re-turning to normal.  It's so warm I have the door open and an busy pottering about.  All the sale stuff is in the window - and I have redone 2 of the boards.  It's lovely to have some fresh colour back.h abut - I do get fed up of the Christmas palate. I don't know how people just do Christmas all year!

Couple of photos for you
- My desk - total disaster at the moment

Mind you - it could be worse - son is in the office updating all the stock on the website

kitten and

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel Pandy - I keep going to the computer wanting to leave comments!!!! Really must try to get on a new DT.
    Denise xx


Hi welcome to kitten's world. Glad you stopped by - do leave me a comment