Sunday 6 December 2015

Cumbria flooding

Events have overtaken us.  There have been huge storms and floods in the town and Kendal is still pretty much cut off.  We are all ok - the house is at the top of the valley side - Ben is in the flat which is high up - and both the shops are fine.

The town is a mess - it is going to take ages to get the streets up back to normal - huge areas have been flooded - the roads are damaged - and the river kent is a raging torrent.

I don't know if I will be able to get into town tomorrow - the estate is still cut off.  Ben should be open - he is just round the corner anyway.

I am so glad I nagged and nagged and got the roof covered - otherwise I would not have a shop now.  Seriously I would be out of business - the insurance would have covered any damages as it is an ongoing maintenance problem - and I am just not strong enough to start all over again this year!

The forecast for the coming week is for more rain - so we are just going to have to muddle along together and do the best we can.

I may or may not be open tomorrow - I will keep updating my facebook pages when I know what's happening. 

Just stay safe everyone


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