Sunday 20 May 2012

Window display

Please forgive the poor picture - I took it to late in the day and the sun was in the wrong place

The focus of the window display this week has been 'For the Guys' - yep - back on my kick to get cards for the chaps out there.  It's wonderful too have a window to design again. I trained as a window dresser back in the1980s - I even won a couple of prizes!

Dead chuffed with it for a first try - can't decide whether to do a baby feature - or on on the alterables - picked up some wicked things to alter at the wholesalers this week

kitten xx

1 comment:

  1. Pandy, your window display is so lovely!! I wish I could visit you ;) Hugs, Joan


Hi welcome to kitten's world. Glad you stopped by - do leave me a comment